Firing Customers?!?

Seth Godin wrote: “If it’s not worth making the customer right, then fire her. Successful organizations (and I include churches and political parties on the list) fire the 1% of their constituents that cause 95% of the pain.”

My thoughts:

1. Your organization is designed to do what you do as best in the world as you possibly can.

When you let people who don’t have that same vision hijack your vision for their vision, your organization is ultimately the one who loses.
2. Most leaders don’t know what their “Clear, Defining Purpose” is supposed to be.

So when someone with a powerful personality or with a lot money comes along, they bend their vision toward that person even if they’re a wrong fit for your organization long term. (To read my article on this click here.)

3. When you’re small “needing” every customer is very alluring.

It’s hard to fire a customer especially when they’re keeping the lights on. It doesn’t mean it’s not right though.

4. Even Churches need to fire attenders at times.

It’s not bad. Sometimes the worst thing we can do is try to keep a square peg in a round hole. Nobody is having fun at that point. Be gracious. Lead them well. But walk them to the door. You’ll both look up a year from now and be thankful. ( Usually… and if not both of you, then at least one of you will.)

5. Leader, if you’re seeing a customer in your mind right now.

Do something about it. It won’t be easy, but it will most definitely be right.


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