Where Does Confidence Come From? Part 3

Continuing in our series on where confidence comes from:

Confidence comes from knowing God has called you to this.

Ok leaders, before you say “I’m not a preacher” and skip this part, give me a minute.

Some of us are in positions where we feel like we were called to be in that position, so this will make sense to us on the face of it. Some of us, however, don’t feel like we’re where we are ultimately called to be. That’s ok. Maybe you aren’t. Maybe you’re just starting your journey or that destination could be right around the corner. Here’s what I do know: God can use us wherever we are and we’re in a leadership position for a reason. We can use this influence to do more than increase our company’s bottom line.

Skills, experience, smarts and leadership acumen will only get us so far. They may help us accomplish our goals, but they aren’t what drives us. When times get tough, when our confidence takes a hit, it’s not skill that gets us past it. As believers in Christ, we need to know that we’re following the calling He has placed on us and be able to use that knowledge to fuel us when the confidence tank starts to run dry.

I devoted a chapter in my book “God of the Underdogs” to Moses. He was old, hiding out and living as a shepherd and had a stutter. God wanted him to go to the most powerful human king on the planet and demand the release of the Jewish people. Even though God came to Moses in the most dramatic of ways, Moses still made excuses and tried to deny his calling. And for the next four decades, Moses ran up against one adversity after another. He had some skills, some smarts and some experience, but what got him through his ability to draw on his calling when times got rough.

As I reflect back on my time leading Next Level, I can identify times where I felt like I wanted to quit. It wasn’t going how I wanted. Every one of those times coincided with a time of great transition for us. Change is hard. Sometimes change is bumpy. Sometimes those around us don’t make it easier.

There will be tough seasons. There will be times where we feel like nothing is going right, where you don’t look forward to it anymore. And if this whole thing is just a job for us, then we may throw in the towel because we have nothing left to fall back on. But if we’re viewing our position as a calling, or at least as fulfilling the purpose God put us in place to fulfill, we can gather strength from that. It can feed us and give us the ability to foster that belief in those we serve as leaders.

Application suggestion:

Ask yourself how confident you feel that you’re where God has called you to be?

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