Today's the Day! The National Launch of God of the Underdogs

After nearly 2 years of planning, processing, writing, stressing, editing and working, the day has finally arrived for the National release of the God of the Underdogs book! So many people have asked me recently, “Are you nervous?” And honestly my answer is always the same. I say, “No, I just want the message to live up to its full potential.” I believe the message of the Underdogs is one that the Body of Christ is ready for.

3 Personal Thoughts on Today:

1. I’m Humbled.

… that God would trust us with this message of hope and inspiration to our world at this time. I believe this message can inspire a generation to live their destiny and change the world.

2. I’m Excited.

… to see what God will do with it. I’ve heard many stories already of how the message has challenged people to start a business or ministry etc. and to make changes in their world. I am believing for that to be multiplied by tens of thousands.

3. I’m Grateful.

… for the opportunity to be used by God through the vehicle of writing. “May this book accomplish what you have intended for it, oh God.” That’s my prayer today.


Many of you have asked me recently, “How can we help?” Here’s how:

1. Use whatever mechanism of social media you want to let others in your sphere know about the book.

Tweet it, Facebook it, e-mail your 20 closest friends, with 2 messages: 1) Why the book matters to you & 2) website.

Sample Tweet: “So my friend wrote a great book that’s impacted me big time, go get it at” (100 characters)

2. Buy a copy of the book.

If you really want to help me, pick your reading vehicle of choice (paperback, eReader, etc.) and purchase a copy. Even if you already have a copy, go buy 1 more and make a commitment that you’ll give it to someone who needs this encouraging message this week. That will actually help me alot. (All the links to paperback & eReader versions are at

3. Pray for those reading the book.

I believe the true power in the book will be when readers are motivated to action toward their dreams & their destinies. Pray that every reader has the courage to truly face the excuses that have been holding them back! Pray that the book will land in the exact right hands and that lives will be transformed.

4. Go to a bookstore, find the book & set it out in front on the shelves!

By all means, don’t be weird or rude, but if by chance you went to a bookstore and found the book and moved it to a prominent place on the shelf its on, that wouldn’t hurt anything.

5. Post a Review of the book on, Barnes & and

Apparently these really matter, so if you’d take like 45 seconds and give your honest feedback on the book, that’d help me a lot. You can do that on…

(Feel free to just copy and paste the same one!)

Thanks for all of your kind words and encouragements over the last few days, I am so thankful for you and your heart for the message of the Underdogs.

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