National Underdogs Day of Prayer and Fasting

We are dedicating Monday, September 9th as a National Underdogs Day of Prayer and Fasting. Below are several different angles of how you can pray today and through the next several weeks as the God of the Underdogs book launches and hundreds of churches participate the series.

Pray over the Chapters & Excuses:

Chapter 1:  Pray that people will begin to see themselves differently.

Pray that people will begin to truly believe that they are someone God wants to use to change the world.

Chapter 2:  Pray that people would be released from the guilt and bondage of their past.

Pray for people to grasp the power in their pasts to impact others for God’s glory.

Chapter 3:  Pray that people will be set free from Labels that have been put on them through their lives.

Pray for courage for readers to be willing to wrestle with God.

Chapter 4:  Pray for people to be inspired with God-shaped and God-sized dreams & visions.

Pray for readers to have the courage to have integrity and be generous like never before.

Chapter 5:  Pray for people to begin to see their God-given potential like never before.

Pray that readers would begin to leverage their gifts talents and abilities for the ones God puts in front of them.

Chapter 6:  Pray that people would be moved to see their relationships in a new light.

Pray for readers to begin to grasp how they are now a part of the Family of God because of Jesus’ work on the cross.

Chapter 7:  Pray that people will begin to see their resource challenges differently.

Pray for the miraculous to happen in the lives of readers as they read this chapter.

Chapter 8:  Pray for people to experience favor in their “But when God…” moments.

Pray for readers to have courage to stand up for what is right even in the face of opposition.

Chapter 9:  Pray for people to have the courage to face the insecurities that have held them back for years.

Pray for readers to fully embrace the truth that God can use them in spite of their imperfections.

Ways to Pray Specifically:

  • Pray for the 400+ churches as they launch the series. See the list here!

  • Pray for every church doing a Compassion Weekend. Pray for Children to be sponsored.

  • Pray for people to put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.

  • Pray for readers to get plugged into a local church and begin reading the Bible daily.

  • Pray that the videos we have created will resonate with people who also feel like underdogs.

  • Pray that our videos portray a message that draws in the un-churched and de-churched.

  • Pray that people feel empowered by the triumphant scenes depicted in our videos.

  • Pray that our graphics help create an environment where people can connect with God.

  • Pray that our graphics will lead people into deeper understanding of the Underdogs message.

  • Pray that our team of designers has found ways to visually connect with audiences and provide them with hope of a future in Jesus.

  • Pray that the Underdogs song is one that inspires people to seek God, live their destiny and fulfill their dreams.

  • Pray that the Large Group Bible stories, activities, lesson plans, and Small Group curriculum that our Next Generation Office has written will effectively inspire children and youth to see that God is for them.

  • Pray that the curriculum that we created will be used to teach kids that they are chosen by God.


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