The Thematic Goal of Health and Maturity

7 weeks after we opened the 2nd campus of our church, we had a leadership off-site with our Directional Team. The 2 days were intended to establish our new thematic goal for our church. A Thematic Goal is a 9-18 month “Rallying Cry” that the entire organization can get behind outside of our Regularly Scheduled Programming so to speak.

The Rallying Cry we came up with was “To Become a Fully Mature Multi-Site Church.” Now, this may not seem like that big of a deal on the outside, but when the meetings were over, I made the comment to the team that this was actually quite unique.

Here’s why:

Because Most Organizations never make health and maturity a priority. They simply charge on to the next big mountain to climb.

Because let’s be honest, mountains are fun.
Mountains are exciting.
Mountains are sexy.
Mountains are forward progress!
But health is critical for long-term life.
Health is mature.
Health creates longevity.
Health makes a great place to work long-term.

? So what about you? What’s your next big priority?

Perhaps you’d do well to prioritize a season where the focus wasn’t to grow, but to get healthy, create stability and mature a little bit.

Here’s my challenge for you this week:

Dare to ask your team what they think the next Rallying Cry should be: Health or Growth.

One of 2 things will happen:

1. They’ll hug you for allowing health to matter.

2. They’ll declare a mountaintop because they think that’s what you want them to say, in which case you’ll have to educate them on why that’s not the best option right now and why getting healthy will actually make for a better mountaintop in the future.

Either way, your organization will win.

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