Be the Underdogs #2 – Being Qualified is a Myth Now. (The Underdogs Leadership Series)

Being “Qualified” is a myth now…

The way the God of the Underdogs book opens is with the choosing of David to be the King over Israel. David’s excuse was that he didn’t see himself as someone whom God could use to change the world. This is an excuse that plagues many leaders in our day as well. I think it’s true for 3 reasons:

1. We see other’s at their best and ourselves at our worst.

As humans, we have a propensity to judge our worst against someone else’s best. Our worst day always happens when someone else seems to be having their best day. We get our car repo’d when someone else inherits $100 Grand. We have marital problems when the couple in our small group is heading to Cancun. We are restructuring our entire company while someone else is launching a new product. It never ends.

In life, and in leadership, we must be aware of how we compare. (I rhymed, did you catch that?) And then we have to refuse to compare ourselves.

2. We believe in super powers.

I have heard so many leaders through the years say things like, “That guy isn’t human!” or “That leader doesn’t have a fear gene in their DNA.” or “If I had a 10th of the God-given, raw talent they have in their pinky finger…” Thus, deeming those leaders we see ahead of us as having some sort of super human power or ability we apparently weren’t given. When we do this, we trick ourselves into thinking we are unqualified, and sabotage our own abilities.

As a leader who has emerged from obscurity into a bit more of a prominent place in the last couple of years, I am blown away at that perception that is placed on me from time to time. One of the first statements I make in the introduction to God of the Underdogs is, “In the most authentic way possible, I know myself.” The reason I wrote that statement that way in the first few pages of the book is because I wanted every reader to know that I am just as human as the next person. And so is every person you see God using in a great way. Don’t believe in super powers. It’s a lie.

3. We underestimate what we have to offer.

Most leaders I know severely underestimate what they have to offer the world around them. And that unbelief holds them and those they lead back in big ways. Think of it this way: Every ounce of energy you spend doubting yourself, is an ounce of energy you’re not spending pursuing your vision. Nobody wins when you doubt your own qualifications. But everybody wins when you humbly accept whom God has made you to be and step confidently into it.

Stop Disqualifying yourself and start leading like God thinks you can.

To pre-order God of the Underdogs, click here.

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