Be the Underdog #9 – Slim Chances


In chapter 9 of my book, God of the Underdogs, (due out September 10th) I talk about Esther who was a most unlikely choice to become the queen of her nation and change the destiny of an entire race of people. The chances of Esther being used like that were about the same as your chances of winning the Powerball Jackpot this week. So what do we do? How do we respond when our chances of success aren’t too good?

How we Handle Slim Chances as an Underdog Leader:


1. Don’t stop believing.

When it comes to where you believe God wants for you to go, don’t give up believing that God is for you! The world will do everything possible to knock that belief out of your lungs. Don’t let it! Keep getting up and breathing in the belief that God is with you and for you and fighting on your behalf!


2. Don’t stop trusting.

Trust is the 3 year old jumping into the pool because he believes his dad will catch him. You and I know that his dad can be trusted, but he has to convince himself in the moment. So do you. I don’t know what you’re facing, but I know that you can trust God with it. God, our Heavenly Father, will never ask us to jump into a pool that He can’t hold us up in. He’s got you. Trust Him.


3. Don’t stop getting better.

When it feels like your chances of success are slim, then do what you can do. Keep getting better. Keep working on yourself. Keep making yourself into a vessel God could use if He wanted to. What are the top 2 or 3 areas of your life where you know you have room to grow? Why not put yourself on a growth plan to get better there in the next 3 to 6 months? Who knows, you just might find yourself in a situation where God could need what you’ve been working on and developing. It turns out, that’s exactly what happened to Esther.


For more information about the God of the Underdogs book, go to

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