Be the Underdog #6 – The Thing about Potential

In chapter 5 of the God of the Underdogs book, we talk about how Jesus went through seasons where no one recognized his potential. Every underdog leader can relate to this I’m sure. How do we respond when we feel like we have more to offer than is being offered to us? Here are

3 thoughts:

1. Don’t lose heart.

The knee jerk for many of us when we feel like we have unrecognized potential is to throw a pity party or worse, to get bitter. We have to fight that feeling like the plague. Pity and bitterness won’t ever lead us where we want to go as a leader. Stay optimistic regardless of what your circumstances may tell you.

2. Lean into it.

When we walk through a season where we feel underutilized or unrecognized, we must know that these are great development seasons if we will see them as such. Lean into these seasons and milk them for every last ounce of learning you possibly can. Keep your head up, there’s much to be seen and learned.

3. Be faithful where you are.

Jesus didn’t resent people when they failed to see his potential, he just stayed focused on what God had called him to be and to do. And the result was life-changing for all of us. When you face a season where no one seems to recognize your potential, trust God through it. He knows where you are and He is noticing everything. Never forget, God and God alone is the one who promotes us in the end.

For more on Unrecognized potential, read chapter 5 of the God of the Underdogs book.

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