A Great Veterans Day Talk with my Son

So time change has been no small adjustment for the Keller boys. My oldest actually thinks that it’s cool that he gets up an hour earlier now. More time to be awake I guess. Anyway, this morning at 6:15 am, Will came in and was laying in our bed while I was praying in the bedroom, and Sarah was getting ready. Apparently, he heard me praying something and he says to me: “Dad, we can be thankful for 3 things: Freedom to pray, Freedom to Worship, & Freedom of speech.”

At that, I sat down next to him and began talking to him about his comment. It was such a great 20 minutes.

  • I shared with him how people in other countries don’t have the freedom to pray, or worship.
  • I had him imagine what it would be like to be talking to his friend about Jesus and for the police to come and take him to jail.
  • Then I got to share with him about our missionaries and how they work in countries where it’s illegal to talk about Jesus.
  • I told him of one of the missionaries we support at NLC who went to jail recently because he was helping pastors, like daddy does. He was totally getting it.
  • Then, I told him how our soldiers have to fight for our freedom of prayer, worship and speech.
  • I shared how his great grandpa was a soldier in World War II and he helped stop a “bad guy” named Hitler from taking that freedom away from the Jews and from the whole world.

I’m actually going to be telling that same story this weekend at NLC, I have chills just thinking about it.

6:15 am & I’m teaching, U.S. History, Missiology, & Military Philosophy to my 7 year old.

It’s truly an amazing life…

See you Sunday. 9:40 am – Kid check-in & Coffee. 10 am. Veterans Day.


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