5 Things I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here is the 75 second version of what I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving day!

I hope it inspires your thankfulness as well…

1. My wife, kids and family I get to walk with.

There is no way to express how much I love and appreciate them. I could not be what I am today without them. I would not want to be what I am today without them. Walking this journey of life with them makes everything more vivid.

The effect of anything good in my life life is better because of them. They are my all and my only.

2. My team I get to serve with. 

It’s said that “There is no I in team,” but for me, I know that, “There is an I in LIFE.” My team gives wings to my life. I could not do anything I do without them. I am so grateful.

3. The life I get to lead. 

I don’t take for granted that everything I have listed here is merely on loan to me. I am privileged to get to steward it for Him.

4. The God I get to serve. 

I don’t know how people do it without The Lord. I really don’t. He is my hope. My strength. My peace. My great reward. He is my rock when all of life seems crazy. He is my source and supply. He is my everything.

There’s no way I could get through it without him.

5. The giftings I get to use. 

Of all the giftings, talents and abilities I could have received I am so honored to have received these.

Everyday I get to write, speak, teach, lead and inspire others to be a better version of themselves.

What a privilege that is.

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