It's Launch Day!

It’s Launch Day! The Key to Everything is now available everywhere.

Am I excited? You bet I am! If you give me a few minutes, I’ll tell you why.

Any time we achieve one of our goals, we get excited. That’s just human nature. But today is more than a goal being reached for me. This isn’t a project being completed or a box being checked off. It’s much deeper.

The Key to Everything isn’t just my latest book or an idea that the publisher thought would sell books. This book has been on my mind since 2008. More importantly, it’s been on my heart for two decades. The concept of teachability has been a central part of my life since I was a young(er) man. If you were to look at my journey, as a pastor, a husband, a father and a leader, you would see me trying to employ the principles I shared in the pages of the book.

It’s not always easy to be teachable. I know I have had my struggles with it at various times and I talk about some of those instances in the pages of The Key to Everything. Most of us can identify with one (or more) of the roadblocks to teachability. At the same time we can all probably see one of the characteristics of teachability in ourselves, as well as seeing how it can fit our lifestyle.

The other thing that makes me excited is the thought of how lives can be impacted by this book. I can imagine the small business owner applying what they read to help grow their business. I can picture the branch manager taking lessons from the book and using them during his team meeting. I can see the Pastor who buys copies for not only his executive team and staff, but for the business leaders in his church because he caught the vision of the Key to Everything.

Yes, I’m excited. Some of it is excitement for myself, but so much more is excitement for you! It’s my deepest desire for The Key to Everything to help everyone who reads it to grow in all areas of their lives.

Oh, and if it will help you process the material, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book online. Visit me on Facebook or Twitter and use #KeytoEverything to join the conversation. After you read the book, if you have time to drop by Amazon and write a review, that would be awesome.

Teachability isn’t just a novel idea, I believe it’s the Key to Everything.


Matt Keller

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