5 Characteristics of a Dynamic Assistant

assistant, successful assistant, dynamic assistant, executive assistant

A truly successful and effective assistant needs to go beyond the to-do lists, emails, and scheduling. In this month’s episode of Assistant Takeover with Matt Keller and Cheri Williams, Matt and Cheri identify and discuss the five characteristics of a dynamic assistant and what makes them so important. Learn how to add an exponential component…

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Mastering Your Weekly Executive/Assistant Meeting

executive, assistant, executive/assistant, executive/assistant meeting, weekly meeting, one-on-one

The weekly one-on-one meeting between an executive and their assistant is the most important hour of the work week. This month’s Assistant Takeover with Matt Keller and Cheri Williams goes in depth with what a typical weekly meeting should look like, from what you should cover to managing your time and more. Lean in as…

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