Your Job – Simplified – (Summer Repost Series)

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Step 1: Create the Best “Product” you possibly can.

Step 2: Identify your “Most-Likely” Customer as best you can.

Step 3: Work your tail off getting the word out about your “Product” with All You’ve Got!!!

Most people…

1. Over-Think #1.

2. Mis-Think #2.

3. Completely & Utterly Under-Think #3.

People won’t just show up & love what you have to offer. You have to go get them, add value to them & win them over w/ generosity before you can expect them to pay attention to you.

Whatever proportion of your time, energy & thoughts you’re giving to #3, TRIPLE IT!

You can have the best product/church/idea/whatever in the world but if nobody knows about it… What good is it?!?

P.S. Silver bullets in the #3 area don’t work.

Add Value to Tribes instead.

Click here to download my talk on how to do that. (Don’t worry, it’s free)

Just trying to Add Value to you. (Wink, wink)

#3 is where success & failure are made.
#3 is where you’ll work the hardest.
#3 is where your dream will either crash and burn or become a reality.
#3 is all about Finding Tribes and Adding Value.
#3 is the place where dreams are won and lost in our economy today.

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