Be the Underdog #10 – I Hate Insecurity!

At the end of the day, I believe the greatest enemy to most of our potential as leaders, is ourselves. A few years ago I was on a studying and planning retreat and I began praying for many of my closest friends and colleagues in ministry. After several minutes of truly interceding for each of them I noticed a trend. By the end of my specific prayers for them, it always kept coming back to, “God, don’t let them get in their own way.” And “God, help them face themselves so they can become all you have for them.”

Our insecurities have the power to hold us back from our destiny like little else can. So how do we deal with our insecurities?

Here are 3 thoughts for every Underdog Leader:

1. Know your Insecurities.

We can’t deal with what we don’t know exists. Every leader has insecurities that sneak up on them from time to time. Blindspots that if we’re not careful have the power to paralyze our potential. Here’s the craziest part… those closest to you already know what your blindspots are. See, the best person to see our blindspots are those who are riding closest to us in the car.

My encouragement to you would be to have a very sober-minded conversation with a couple of your closest friends or colleagues and ask them, “What are my top 2 or 3 blindspots or insecurities.” Then be secure enough to not fight them or argue with them, just receive it, thank them for it (and give them a gift card to thank them for their courage!)

Now you know. And as GIJoe always said, “Knowing is half the battle.”


2. Own your Insecurities.

Once you know what your insecurities are, you have the ability to take ownership of them. Start noticing them in real time in your life. Write down the circumstances that caused you to feel insecure or react in an insecure way. The only way to get better is to own what’s holding you back.


3. Get Accountable with your Insecurities.

Finally, the biggest step in dealing with our insecurities is to constantly and consistently keep inviting others to help us along the way. In other words, ask those closest to you to point out to you (in a loving way) when you are allowing an insecurity to creep back into your decision making or life.

When it comes to our own leadership, we are our own worst enemy. Don’t let your insecurities keep you from all God has for you. Like I mention in chapter 9 of my book, God of the Underdogs, God got really upset with Moses when he let his insecurities rule his decision making. We can’t afford to let that be the case with us.


For more information on the God of the Underdogs book, go to:

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