Random Team Thoughts
- Mark Goodman is a Missions Trip Rock Star. He is so stinkin’ called to missions it’s not even funny.
- Millie Martinez is like my mother-in-law on a missions trip. I don’t think I would want to go to a foreign country without her. (She’s also a nurse…)
- Margarite Demos has rock star qualities when it comes to oils and spices and cool stuff that is healthy.
- Jim Kittlestevd has a hard last name to spell but is kind of like a Big Brother and bodyguard all in one.
- Nicole Kittlestevd brings “cool, calm and collected” to NLC Missions. Nothing phases that girl.
- Sally Sims is about the most even-keeled missions team member I’ve ever seen. She is also this vast, deep well of that exudes Godly strength.
- Ishana is a great and fun asset to the I-Team. I’m so glad she’s on this trip. (and she keeps picking up the check for our meals! Thanks to Richard her husband… again)