NLC – 1st Monday – Prayer & Fasting – August
Hey everybody,
Thanks for praying today. There are some huge things on the radar for NLC in the coming weeks and I know that prayer recalibrates us to God’s Will. Here are several prayer points for you to pray through today:
1. Our 1st Permanent Location.
There are two areas where we need to pray specifically in terms of NLC’s 1st Permanent Facility:
First, pray for Financing. We have officially approached several banks with our proposal and there are 3 that are reviewing it, literally as we speak!!!
Second, we need to continue to pray for the 25% down-payment. ($1.2 Million).
- Pray for everyone who has made a 6 month commitment. It’s hard to believe we only have 2 months left. Pray that God will provide for them to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offerings.
- Pray for the miraculous to keep happening remaining $283,000 (as of last week) that is still needed for us to reach the 25% mark! We’re making it, you guys! It’s happening! Let’s keep believing!
2. Pray for our NLC Staff. We are back in full swing and gearing up for an amazing fall season of outreach. Pray for strength & wisdom as we walk through this season of growth, opportunity and influence as a church.
Also, be sure to pray for our Children’s Pastor, Josh Homan and his wife, Irina, as they are expecting their first child, due in December! (follow them @joshuahoman & @irinahoman)
3. Pray for Our Backpack Outreach happening Saturday, August 14th in “Our Communities” downtown. Palmetto Courts & Sabal Palms. We are giving away 1,000 backpacks to families in need. Our special offering for Project Backpack is happening this Sunday, August 8th. Pray that all 1,000 backpacks will be sponsored. (Click here for more info) Go here for more informaiton:
4. Pray for our Missionaries.
- Christ for India; Jameson, Johnson and Mary Titus. Pray for pastors in their seminary, pray for the Children in their school, pray for the pastors they’re sending out to plant churches.
- Kelly and Kathy Johnson in Kenya, Africa as they train pastors and plant churches.
- Mark & Stephanie Pyles in the Dominican Republic as they plant “Next Generation” Churches in Santiago.
- Luke & Sandy Walters in Sri Lanka. They are working to gain influence among the next generation of business leaders in that nation.
- Paul & Mary Triller. They are working to plant churches across Europe, one of the darkest mission fields on earth today.
5. The People of NLC. For provision and jobs. For promotions and miracles. Pray for marriages to be strong & kids to be wise as we begin a new school year.
6. Pray for the Following Church Planters we are Coaching right now:
- Maurice Stargell in McDonough, GA. I was just with Maurice last month. They are doing great and are about 4 months old now! Pray for momentum and strength as they impact their city for Christ.
- Tory & Elizabeth Farina in St. Paul, MN. HighPoint Church is a 4 year old church meeting in a Movie Theater. Pray for wisdom as they launch into the next level God has for them.
- Shane & Rachel Frasier in Lebanon, IN. Freedom Church is about a year old & God is doing an amazing thing there. Pray for continued strength as they grow. They launched 2 services in the movie theater where they have church in July. Pray for wisdom for their leadership team as well.
Thanks again for Fasting and Praying today. For more info on fasting go to:
Pastor Matt